Wednesday, January 9, 2019

One Box Clean Out

While watching families declutter on a new show on Netflix. I thought...I need to start to declutter. I consider my house in decent shape. It's not overwhelming, although there are areas that need help. But I do declutter every few months. After watching the third episode, my decluttering need was shouting "time to start."

Like most families, we buy online and have several empty boxes sitting around. Today, I'm starting the One Box Clean Out. And if I don't have any boxes, then it's onto trash bags. I donate items to our local thrift store on a regular basis. I don't like keeping unnecessary items.

Today - the kitchen! One box of unused items will be donated to our thrift store. Try it. Just one box a day. Doesn't matter what size of box. Start with a small box. You may find you have more then one box full of items to donate.

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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sunday School Lessons for 2 & 3 year old Toddlers

Being a mom of a toddler, I was very excited to teach Sunday School at Church. I will start posting some of the lessons I have came up with and show the end result. Many times, my daughter is the only one in her class. Therefore, I came up with an idea. Instead of doing coloring sheets or other material, we started putting together a poster of what the lesson is. The poster is then put onto the classroom wall. Many classes later, she would remember previous lessons and talk about them. By having the posters on the wall, she was able to remember the lesson and what we spoke about. I wasn't taking anything home to be lost or torn. And she was able to see the posters again. It also was a good way to decorate the walls in the classroom. Enjoy and hope they give you ideas on how to teach this age group.

Kindness flower - lesson on how to be kind to others. I'm not the most artistic person, so my flower looks a little odd. But together, my daughter and I came up with five ways we can be kind to others.

Listening - the lesson was taken from how Noah listened to God and made the ark. We have a book of stickers to go with this topic. I related the lesson to how children are to listen to God and their parents. The picture of the ark was cut out of a coloring book, my daughter colored it and added the animal stickers.

God Made... - One of the first lessons we did. The lesson was about the things God has made. Again, I'm not artistic but I wanted it to appeared fun and child-like. I drew all the items on construction paper and cut them out. We added tape to the back and posted on the chalkboard. There are numerous things you can add, but for a young toddler, I wanted simple items that she already knew about.

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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Figuring this blog out...

I'm very new to blogging. My sole purpose of this blog is to share interesting ideas to others. I find myself learning from others and thoughts others might be interested in my ideas. More to come.

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